Football match from USA NPSL, on date 19-May-2024

Football match between the teams:
Appalachian FC vs Apotheos

For match details, events, standings, lineups, recent form head-2-head (H2H) and other information click below on the buttons inside the tabbed menu!

Home team: Appalachian FC

Away team: Apotheos

Appalachian FC
Event ended
Football match statistics

Football match events for:
Appalachian FC vs Apotheos

Match events

Looking for Appalachian FC vs Apotheos football match? You are on the right page! This is a football match from: USA NPSL, event date 19-May-2024.

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Football statistics and match data reports are very important wheter you make a live or a pre-match football (soccer) prediction. Any football match can have unexpected events that are more or less pleasant for the fans of the two teams, but football statistics should always be considered.

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